Could this be my last year. I said and thought it was, Will I be around next year, I'd hope so. If I was how do I keep the standard as high as only I can perceive. What do I expect of myself, as much as I can give. Did I deliver this year, no. Why? to much pressure. Pressure from who? Only me.
I was invited places I didn't go to. Because my place was in the exhibition space at night. I invited people along, but they were tempted by the Speigletent and it's 3am licence. The uniqueness of it's apperance during the festival outshawn even my photographic reputation.
Next year to make it happen to really rock. Open till 3am is the key. Good looking girls flyering. Every trick in the promotions book. Entry in the fringe guide. A venue number and a place on the map. Even a bad review is better than no review.
Buy one get one free, everybody does that at Festival time, bums on seats and people through the door.
Next year who knows how things will go.
"Send me Lawyers, guns and money, the Shit has hit the fan."
Warren Zevon forever.