The Biggest Show on The High Street
On Friday of my last week on the mile I was heading down to the Hog's Head. I had been down there earlier in the day to drop off all my kit, except my Nikon F100 and 80-200 lens.
I'd had to head back into 1Stop Photo to pick up some work I wanted for that night.
I ran into JP, he was about to start his show and he was chatting to one of the Fringe staff.
I was greeted with a "hello" from them both, then I was told that Vince, Herbie and a whole load of others were about to, or had just started a 15 man show!
Thoughts of not being prepared came to mind. Very unlike my normal fully loaded with kit self.
I took up position center stage, planting myself front row at the feet of people standing. My camera was rushing through film. Amazing!
I shot the show Hockney style, random shots to be "stitched together to create a whole image.
A few minutes from the finale I managed to get Cheeky Pete's attention.
"Can, we get everyone in to the middle of the space, I'll get a group shot."
He passed the word and a mass of bodies vied for position in the centre of the space.
Camera set to continuous, I ran off the last of my film.
The show ended to probably the biggest cheer heard on the High Street. I said my thanks and headed back to 1 Stop Photo.
Just in time I got my films in. Processed and printed. Still hot off the press I was back on the street.
I ran into Shep, he was sitting relaxing on the kerb just across from 1 Stop Photo. I handed him the multiple packs of photos. The look of amazement at seeing photos from just twenty minutes or so before!
He grabbed a couple of shots, told me that everyone was meeting in the Tron and he was just heading down. I tagged along.
Almost everyone was sitting round a table, enjoying a well deserved drink. The packs of photos passed on for everyone to look through.
My work as always appreciated by one and all I left them with the photos, after being supplied with a few Bud's for my troubles.
These were images that would not make the exhibition, well not this year anyway.